The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2022 07 03

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Poetic repetition of sounds, as used in Poe’s “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary” ASSONANCE
Roger Moore’s first James Bond film Live and Let Die
An important contest in cycling or horse racing CLASSIC
“You’ve had a cream of a ____ dream” (Sweeney Agonistes, TS Eliot) NIGHTMARE
English actress remembered for her husky voice and double entendres Fenella Fielding
The second of David Bowie’s “Berlin Trilogy” albums HEROES
English spelling of a name for soccer teams in Bucharest, Tirana and Zagreb DYNAMO
The only character seen in all of CS Lewis’s Narnia books ASLAN
Central character of Samuel Richardson’s epistolary novel of 1748 Clarissa Harlowe
State whose capital, Salvador, was Brazil’s first capital city BAHIA
County in which many Hardy novels are set DORSET
Equipment on which engines etc are trialled before production test bed
A shrimp, crab or lobster DECAPOD
The little ____ is an aquatic bird also called “dabchick” GREBE
“He play’d an ancient ditty ____ mute, / In Provence call’d, ‘La belle dame sans merci’” (Keats) long since
A malicious written or verbal attack HATCHET JOB
Musical genre popularised by Saturday Night Fever DISCO
First sequel to a novel about a red-haired Canadian girl Anne of Avonlea
Great Britain or England, in Australian and NZ slang Old Dart
World ____ are events showcasing national achievements, held quinquennially since 2000 EXPOS
A dictator or despot absolute ruler
To verbally intimidate an opponent in cricket SLEDGE
Possible result of (UK) annual inflation over 9 per cent pay rise
A structure protecting plants; informally, a military prison GLASSHOUSE
“The main ____ of a successful prime minister are sleep and a sense of history” (Harold Wilson) ESSENTIALS