The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2022 08 28

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Flat expanses of land common in polar regions icefields
In 1989, East Germany’s politburo ousted Erich ____ as head of state in an attempt to regain public support HONECKER
In physics, a photon’s energy is equal to its frequency multiplied by ____ Planck's constant
Often semi-circular, an instrument for measuring angles PROTRACTOR
Probiotic bacterium used to make yoghurt and cheese lactobacillus
Reef-building material, for which madrepore is an old name stony coral
Renaissance shift towards classical studies led by Erasmus, More et al New Learning
That which is measured using a hygrometer HUMIDITY
The capital of Manitoba WINNIPEG
The event which made Baden-Powell a national hero Siege of Mafeking
The ____ was Michael Crichton’s first novel under his own name Andromeda Strain
To extract an essence by heating or boiling DECOCT
Turkey’s biggest coastal holiday resort ANTALYA
Type of person often called an illywhacker in Australia con artist
Unusually extravagant OUTRE
Variety of pear named after Napoleon’s second wife Marie Louise
Whitehall monument designed by Edwin Lutyens and unveiled in 1920 The Cenotaph
Degree of deviation in a ship’s course due to leeway DRIFTAGE
Country whose capital is Suva FIJI
An attendant of Dionysus SATYR
A manual worker or artisan, especially in Shakespeare MECHANICAL
A body’s waste material EGESTA
2006 romantic comedy film starring Russell Crowe as London trader Max Skinner A Good Year
“Love all, trust a few, ____” (All’s Well That Ends Well) Do wrong to none
Dickens novel subtitled The Parish Boy’s Progress Oliver Twist
Collectively, anonymous literary works Adespota