The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2023 08 27

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Stand used to protect tables from hot dishes TRIVET
The ____ Trust, founded by an American banker, has provided affordable housing in London since 1862 PEABODY
Tony Benn and Edwina Currie were political ____s DIARIST
Tried out under real operating conditions road-tested
Understanding or agreement between people a meeting of minds
____ sections are important in Euclidean geometry CONIC
Sauce whose name means “garlic oil” in Provençal AIOLI
Pen name of Hablot Browne, illustrator of Dickens novels PHIZ
Opening or closing like a kind of camera diaphragm irising
Of someone’s disposition, bright and optimistic SUNNY
Of food products, not homemade shop-bought
Most famous island in San Francisco Bay ALCATRAZ
Member of a British or French military group LEGIONNAIRE
The ____ bell once signalled major events at Lloyd’s of London LUTINE
In a US spelling, a cabinet holding wine bottles cellarette
German Western Front offensive started in late 1944 Battle Of The Bulge
Frequent description of Oxbridge-educated pianist Gunner Graham in It Ain’t Half Hot Mum lah-di-dah
British and Anguillan 100m and 200m record holder zharnel Hughes
Artist who produced a series called Blue Nudes MATISSE
Adverb often followed by “expensive” eye-wateringly
A ____ plane or car goes very fast high-performance
A leafy vegetable; a Somerset town CHARD
King of Norway, 1957-91 Olaf V
A word like intelligent, educated, or knowledgeable TETRASYLLABLE
Commonly mentioned legislation, in force 1715-1973 RIOT ACT
Dress for Victorian ladies for informal parties at home tea gown
Seville’s ____ is a royal palace in extensive gardens ALCAZAR
Winner of an Oscar for her portrayal of Queen Anne in The Favourite OLIVIA COLMAN